Merhaba arkadaşlar bu yazımızda vSAN Encryption özeliliğini aktif etmekten bahsedeceğiz.
vSAN verileri şifreleme özelliği sağlar, bu özelliği kullanmak için bazı ön koşulları bulunmaktadır.
Şifrelemeyi etkinleştirmek için, cluster -> Configure tab -> vSAN -> Services -> Encryption

Önemli vSAN şifreleme teknolojileri;
1. KMIP: Key Management Interoperability Protocol
- A standard protocol that clients use to talk to KMS.
- The KMIP 1.1 protocol is required for use with vSAN Encryption
2. KMS: Key Management Server
- Key management is a core requirement for using vSAN Encryption and VM Encryption.
- A Key Management Solution using Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) version 1.1 is required.
3. KEK: Key Encryption Key
- The key-encryption key (KEK) is stored in KMS.
- Each vSAN cluster has one KEK.(per-tenant key)
- Key Encryption Keys are AES-256 compatible
4. DEK: Data Encryption key
- Data Encryption key (DEK) is the key used in the I/O path to encrypt/decrypt data.
- DEKs are XTS-AES-256 keys.
- Each disk in a vSAN disk group will have a unique DEK.
5. HEK: Host Encryption Key
- This is similar to the KEK but is used to encrypt vSAN host core dumps, not data.
- All hosts in a vSAN cluster use the same HostKey.
- Using a Host Key, customers can safely send encrypted core dumps to VMware Global Support without disclosing DEKs.
- The HEK assists in maintaining the integrity of customer data while assisting VMware Global Support with problem resolution.
- vSAN Host Keys are AES-256
6. Key cache
- A vSphere Host kernel module that caches the KEK from the KMS for use by vSAN Encryption and VM Encryption.